Ajax Bust

£160.00 + VAT

Ajax Bust by the David Sharp Studio

Stands 545mm (21 1/2″) in height

S22 ,


Ajax is the son of Telamon, the son of Aeacus and grandson of Zeus, and his first wife Periboea. He is the cousin of Achilles, and is the elder half-brother of Teucer.

Many illustrious Athenians, including Cimon, Miltiades, Alcibiades and the historian Thucydides, traced their descent from Ajax. On an Etruscan tomb dedicated to Racvi Satlnei in Bologna (5th century BC) there is an inscription that says, “aivastelmunsl” which means “family of Telamonian Ajax”.

The example illustrated is a slightly antiqued version in Portand.

Additional information

Weight 20 kg


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